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Feeding Worms To Axolotls

Its great when a customer forwarded us some very useful information/hints and tips on feeding Axolotls worms so rather than just being useful to us at we decided to post this information on our website to help everyone. If you fancy contributing some information/hints or tips to benefit everyone please send them to us through our contact us page and for every blog we add to the website  that contains useful tips for others we’ll give you 10% off your order. Stuart (owner of Yorkshire-worms) Please note: The views and opinions in these blogs are from customers, blogs are added with the sole intention of helping others and do not necessarily form an opinion from

Dendrobaena Worms: the perfect food for Axolotls.

The first few months of an Axolotls life is its hardest and needs a lot of food (Baby Brine Shrimp) and then (Bloodworms) before it can be weaned onto Dendrobaena earthworms.

When all four legs have formed you can then start to wean it onto live earthworms. Buy the small Dendrobaena worms and cut the worms into very small pieces no longer than 1cm in length and feed them this twice a day. As the Axolotls grow in size you can alter the length of the worm fed until it can eat a full worm.

By the age of 6 months they are a good size and should be eating two full worms each. It is about now you can increase the size of worm you buy. From a breeders point of view the best size of worm you can buy from now on is the mixed size. You may still have to cut the worms to an eatable size but the amount you buy will last you longer so financially your better off.

Once they are 8 months old you will be able to feed them the full sized worm of the mixed pack and they will happily eat 2 or 3 good sized worms a day, but remember just because they eat it does not mean they want it. As long as your axolotl eats two worms a day in the first two years of its life then all is good.

As they grow older and still grow in size they will be able to eat large worms, you can upgrade to the the large dendrobaena worms, they may at times not be hungry once they reach two years old or older so you can slow down the feeding by only giving them a worm 3 times a week.

Always feed your Axolotl Dendrobaena worms, NEVER feed Axolotls Lobworms or Tiger Worms as they do not like them (although Lobworms are a very good food supplement for other Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish), these specific worms give off a nasty yukky smelly slime that Axolotls hate and it also spoils the water too.

From the age of three months Axolotls should only be fed Live Earthworms it has all the nutrients they need and no other food is required. Despite what many websites tell you earthworms are all they should eat, do not try feeding them food that is not good for them as you may end up with a sick or dead pet.


  1. Yorkshire worms are definetly the best, the axolotls love them, a neighbour who worked in a fishing shop brought some dendrobaena home the tried them spat them out and refused to touch them, I tried the next night again same thing, luckily still had some Yorkshire worms in the fridge and they had no problem eating them went down like a treat. I will never try anywhere else again for my worms. Fast delivery and first class worms.

  2. I have 3 axolotls and as everyone above has said they love your worms and delivery is fast and hassle free everytime 5* thanks

  3. I’m waiting for my worms to arrive, ordered them yesterday and getting my first ever axolotl tomorrow! I’m super nervous but glad to see that feeding them worms really does do them well! Very excited

  4. Candice

    My Axolotl loves her worms I give her 2 a day & she is thriving, love her to bits
    Candice & Mallow xx

  5. Candice

    Took the advise off Stuart, two worms a day via Yorkshire worms and my axolotl is a picture of health, loves the worms Happy days☺☺. The Worms are Brilliant.
    Thank you Yorkshire-worms “2 Year old Axolotl called Mallow”

  6. I use Yorkshire worms all the time for my axolotls I wouldn’t use anywhere else the worms are always healthy and fast delivery I have 9 adult axies and currently raising hatchlings. My axolotls would give Yorkshire worms 5* 🙂

  7. Yep another vote here – my wormery (stocked originally from here) usually turns out enough to keep my axolotl in food but over the winter I usually need to buy a few more worms as they seem to breed slower in winter.

  8. I recently got two axolotl who don’t particularly like pellets, so I started to research worms and came across your site. The worms arrived today and were well packed and fast delivery. Wow! I’ve never seen my axies eat their food so fast and with relish. Needless to say I won’t be feeding pellets ever again, and I will be a regular customer.
    Thank you Yorkshire worms.

  9. josephine

    Worms arrived two days after dispatch. In good condition and my axolotl snapped two dendroebeanas immediately
    Will definitely be ordering again
    Thanks Yorkshire Worms you have saved me digging in the garden every night

  10. josephine

    Hi have an adult female axolotl called Annie. She loves worms and I have just ordered for the first time. Can’t wait to get my fresher worms

  11. Wormbly

    Same as above – my axolotl loves Yorkshire Worms 🙂

  12. kathleen

    my axolotl loves these worms would not buy from any one else

  13. Exactly the reason why I buy from Yorkshire Worms 🙂 my Axolotl can’t get enough!

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